Select projects  
Image archive 

Tomorrowland, 2011 

Borne out of a childhood passion for retro-futurist films, my art school thesis project combines modernist architectural codes, cinematographic mis-en-scene and CGI-designed technology that never came to be.

Badlands, 2012 

Made in collaboration with digital wizards Zeitguised, I shot this in the Painted Desert in the Arizona desert while Zeitguised remixed with their digital palette in their studio in Berlin. The original concept served as the basis for Alicia Keys’ tour creative direction in 2023.

Sonia by Fall/Winter, 2014 

Together with Bonsoir Paris, we directed the set design, fashion show, and fashion film for Sonia Rykiel’s sister label Sonia By, featured on Vogue France.

Grand Blanc - L’amour Fou, 2017 

I co-directed this music video with my creative partner Morgan Maccari at Bonsoir Paris. We were commissioned to bring to life visual codes of car collisions, interlaced with the band’s live performance.

Editorial photography, 2013 - 2017

Select work Esquire, Snatch, WAD magazines 
